Thursday, May 1, 2014

Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen

Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen

The "Darnley Portrait" of Elizabeth I (c. 1575)

There are many things we can say about this queen. Her government lasted 44 years and during this, the situation of the empire was relatively stable and prosperous. But something that caught my attention was that they called her The Virgin Queen

I think it's a title that gives some beneficial and impressive category. Why? The fact that she was unmarried doesn’t mean that she didn’t have the opportunity to get married.  She did not consider that important, or at least necessary, being married to govern their people in a good way. That's the reason why she did not.

I like her thinking. I consider this, the beginning of the independent woman. 
It is true that the fact that she was the only heir was left, was the main reason to come to the throne, then, we are in the heyday of European imperialism. A stage in history in which people were strongly stigmatized classes and where who were at the top of the hierarchy, remained for a long time. Remember, this is where the social mobility is not a known term. Who are poor remain poor, with no opportunity to arise. And who are born into a wealthy family, remain in it.

But back to the main topic, I think that although I know the stage of imperialism was unfair to the lives of people who did not follow the rules imposed by the authorities; Elizabeth's government was an inspiration to women who have always had a minor role throughout history.
Currently, women are becoming more and more important. Gradually they were equating the activities of men.

The way I see things, I think that Queen Elizabeth  was not so far from reason. Because, I don’t deem that the presence of a man in a woman's life is essential to be happy and to feel complete. I am not saying that women who have been married are under than those without. The decision depends on each person, about what to do with their life, and I don't mean to say that independent women should not look at a person you feel loved. Rather, it is possible to mix the two and get good results.


  1. I really liked your entry. Above all your anaylisis about the fact why she didn't get married. I would like to add something in reference to the second paragraph. As you said it is very curious that she never got married as her own choise. This was so seldom in those times. If i'm not wrong she was the first queen ever who decided to do that right? However, I also think that she practically gave herself to England, as "a gift". I understand it in a way that "the body of the queen is given to the nation." On the whole, I would say that she was basically married to England instead of a man.

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  3. I also agree with the fact that even though she was not married, didn't mean that she could not govern properly, maybe she just didn't want anybody's control, probably if she had married she wouldn´t have been as important as she is. She gave herself for completely to England ALONE, and that is what makes her such an important queen also considering the time, that most of the things that she did were frowned in the 16th Century.
    "Better beggar woman and single than Queen and married".
    (Queen Elizabeth I)
