Sunday, May 4, 2014

Henry VIII and his six wives

When I first heard about the history of this King, I was very impressed: firstly, because of the fact that when he realized that he couldn’t get divorced from his wife by the Catholic Church, he challenged the Pope and created his own church: the Anglican. Thanks to this new church, he was able to marry as many times as he wanted.

The reason why he got married over and over again, was because he only wanted a son as heir, but no one of his wives gave to him what he wanted with the exception of Jane Seymour, she was the only one who gave a son to the King, but she died. 

I was looking up for information on this topic when I found a video that explains the history of this King and his six wives in a good way, especially for people like me, who don’t feel comfortable with reading , instead we prefer watching a video or something similar.

I think that the relationship between the King and his wives is very interesting because he only did it to create alliances with other countries and make England more powerful. That is something that happened a lot in those times and I’m glad to see that nowadays those kinds of marriages don’t happen anymore.
I was shock to find out that young women, with no more than 15 years old, were forced to leave their families to marry a man they didn’t even know. Besides, if these girls weren’t able to give them a son, they we’re executed. I really admire how brave those women were. If I were one of them, I’m not sure what my reaction would be like.

What about you ladies? What would you had done if you had lived during those times and had to get married in such conditions?


  1. I think it is kind cruel and funny the history of this king, I don’t know if you acknowledged the fact that two of his wives were related, I believe it were Boleyn and Howard both were executed for adultery.

  2. The topic of your entry got my attention immediatly. I want to comment the part where you refer to the reason of why Henry married all his wives. You're right, it is really impressive and also shocking that he basically "allianced",as you said, with those women with the aim of power and control. And yes, it is kind of hard to imagine something like that nowadays. I think there are some "patriarcal" features involved in those times, as we know, women had less changes to speak up than now.

  3. Hi Fernanda
      When I saw a documentary and I read about the story of the king and his wifes, i was really surprised because of the crazy thought, as it could not eliminate their wifes for absurd reasons. Although Catherine and Ann were executed for adultery is no reason to take the life of a woman. I find that the conditions that existed in these arranged marriages were inhumane and I'm happy that these practices do not exist today. Very good your blog post, very interesting, and didactic .
    I like your entry ! :)
