Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I’d like you to listen this song, How to love, by Lil’ Wayne, because it’s a very realistic song that tells us how hard we can be affected for loving someone in the wrong way or for loving someone who doesn’t love you back as much as you do, and how that makes us blind and changed our minds and take wrong decision. On contrast, this song also goes to that people who had a bad experience in their childhood (like a rape) and that changes their mind completely in the wrong way, transforming them into people with serious sexual problems (such as seeing sexual activities like something really common - the song appoint the stripping activities - and normal things). In fact the video show three different meanings that could be in this song

In my opinion this song it’s full of values (in an unspoken way) such as self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence. I think that the song teaches us how we can turn the past and forget the pain that some people bring out in us and make of that pain something good.

Finally, I guess that everybody should listen to this song because it’s a message, to all that men and women that are insecure about themselves, so they can learn that the only true love it’s that love that everyone has for themselves and that no one can change that, and that’s the most important and strongest thing in the whole world.

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