Friday, March 28, 2014

David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World

David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World

I choose this song because I really dig the intricate of metaphoric lyrics; David Bowie has been one of the most recognized musician singer-songwriter for over four decades and he has really amazed people with his outer world music.

The song could be interpreted in many ways; in my opinion David Bowie had a moment of ultra-lucidity due to a massive abuse of extraterrestrial drugs and travelled back in time and found his younger self, he had an unexpected look into his inner self, where he finds himself to be very different, he is the “The Man Who Sold the World”, he has changed.

In the lines:

Which came as some surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone, a long long time ago
He realized that he became the person he didn’t want to be, and then he notices that he has lost his own identity, and he is aware of it, he knows that he is in control and what he has done has been on purpose as expressed on those lines:

Oh no, not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With The Man Who Sold The World

An easier look at this is that it is about a person who sold his own sense of right and wrong, someone who sold his soul for monetary gain, he is "face to face With The Man Who Sold The World" as in looking himself on the mirror.

Other people might see a more religious connection to the song, referring to Adam and Eve, after leaving the Eden, or a talk between God and the Devil.

Maybe this song won't be for everybody but I hope you get my understanding of the song.
Hope you enjoyed it!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

An Easier Affair

An easier affair - George Michael

I chose a song of George Michael, It is called ‘An easier affair’ I don’t put the original version of the MV because I don’t really think it show all tipes of diversity. For example the race, the religion, the sexual preferences, the things we like, etc… I like this song because of its message.

The song talk about how do you face the world. The way you take when people says what you are doing is not OK. The writer says: ‘Not living my life with other people on my mind. Got nothing to hide from anyone’. There always will be persons who are criticizing you and what you do, maybe they talk a lot of you but not in a nice way ('the haters') But we can take those comments, that could hurt us, and throw them all away! We got nothing to hide!  I mean, if you think that what you are doing is good… It is good. Provided, obviously, you don’t pass by someone else’s feelings. We dont need to think in what people will say about what we going to do.  Also, we are always talking a lot about respect, but, What about our feelings? What about us? If we don’t accept us first, we cannot tell the world to do it. We must to be clear of who we are. Only like that we can do people to tolerate us. And in consequence we will accept the rest.

We need to think that we are not the only one person in the whole world. So it’s very important that we respect other people first and then we will receive the same, or maybe not.
George Michael says: ‘don’t let them tell you who you are is not enough!’ And that’s what we got to do. We are like this or like that but we are good enough just the way we are. We don’t need to prove nothing to anyone. And if someone has prejudices about us, It doesn’t matter. Go on!

Write your comments here! I will appreciate it!

Raise your glass - for being who you are!

Wow. Pink is sending a huge messagge in this video.
For the ones who don't know her, she is an american pop artist and performer very popular among teenaggers. And as I said, I believe this song is awesome, because she is uses a lot of irony in the video what makes it so entertaining to watch.

You can notice that Pink is "turning upside down" our world-our way of acting and living. You see a bull-run, where she is playing the bull, and the bullfighter is about to get hurt with a sword. I think this irony is fun but at the same time it is actually giving us something to think about! 
Would we really accept that? 
Or just watch the part where women are giving milk to a calf! Creppy right?

"So raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways, 
all my underdogs,
we will never be never be anything but loud 
and nitty gritty, dirty little freaks "

As you can hear and see, lyrics and video are connected.The chorus is clearly sending a messagge for the ones who feel missunderstood for being different. A lot of people are shown in this video, with different hair and eye colours, heights and features.

There is a focus on the minorities and the urban groups of nowadays, from homosexual people, to gangsters, punks and skaters. I think that is why Pink is using so much irony, because in stead of remaining silent, these people should raise their glasses for being who they are. Besides, the video is ridiculing our serious-minded and stereotyped reality. Why so serious?
I'm sure it is trying to tell the world, it doesn't matter if you are different, just be proud of it. 

I would say, Pink is making a toast for all of us!
What do you think?

I rather go lalala

We all have been critized or have been victims of society
 and it´s sneaky way to hurt us...
The song  was written by Sam Smith who is the vocalist of this song, and was produced by Naughty Boy. The music video was produced by Ian Pons Jewell.
I chose it because the song is catchy and it gives us a message. The video shows realistic and metaphorical images, which makes it interesting. Alludes to the story of "The Wizard of Oz" when they go together searching for something that would give them some benefit.
In this video there is a boy who prefers not to listen instead of hearing things that might hurt him. On his way out of his house he meets people that has  been affected by this cruel society, so they start a journey to find this demon (society). The video is also related with a Bolivian legend that says that there was this demon that if you hear him you could be cursed, and only this boy can fight him because he can't hear, he is dull.
The boy shows the innocence, to see good and positive things in life, instead of tearing down ourselves, when people make us feel less with verbal abuse.
We should not care what others say to us, and the people who doesn't value us. It's better to go "lalala".
 "I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning on the volume when you speak
Cause if my heart can't stop it,
I find a way to block it''.
Hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Everybody is "Same Love"

This song was created by Macklemore, who is an american rapper that in this last time show us the way that he see the world in their songs. When he create this song, most of the people thought that he was gay, but he is not. He just is agreeing with homosexual rights and marriage between people with the same sex.

“Same love” is about how the feeling of homosexual people is, and how they will feel being discriminated for something that they can’t change, even if they tried. 

Most of the people think that a homosexual man always will be someone who acts like a girl, or in the case of woman who are homosexual will act like a men, but that is completely wrong, and that is how we make a generalization about this people, a stereotype.

Even worst some people use the word “gay” as an insult. "We've become so numb to what we are saying"

In the video Macklemore use different kind of images for make us understand the message of the video like at the end, when the couple appears together till the end or when the couple finally get married even when the society don`t support them.

Some people will understand this video for make conscience about the homosexuality in our current society, they demand equal rights for everyone  other will understand it like a completely wrong message to society.

From my point of view I think that doesn`t matter if you get in love of a girl or a man. If there is respect and love in the relationship, it will be good. I’ve known homosexual couples who are more respectful with each other than a couple that is heterosexual, and that is when I think: some people think that be homosexual is wrong, but is it? Or are the others  wrong?

I would like to know what do YOU feel about this..


I’d like you to listen this song, How to love, by Lil’ Wayne, because it’s a very realistic song that tells us how hard we can be affected for loving someone in the wrong way or for loving someone who doesn’t love you back as much as you do, and how that makes us blind and changed our minds and take wrong decision. On contrast, this song also goes to that people who had a bad experience in their childhood (like a rape) and that changes their mind completely in the wrong way, transforming them into people with serious sexual problems (such as seeing sexual activities like something really common - the song appoint the stripping activities - and normal things). In fact the video show three different meanings that could be in this song

In my opinion this song it’s full of values (in an unspoken way) such as self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence. I think that the song teaches us how we can turn the past and forget the pain that some people bring out in us and make of that pain something good.

Finally, I guess that everybody should listen to this song because it’s a message, to all that men and women that are insecure about themselves, so they can learn that the only true love it’s that love that everyone has for themselves and that no one can change that, and that’s the most important and strongest thing in the whole world.