Thursday, May 29, 2014

A mixture of wild and spirit

In contrast with any other aboriginal people of America, Oceania and Africa that were mostly massacred and forced to follow the rules that colonizers imposed, the Mäori people kept a high resistence to the attempts of colonization by the British, so it wasn’t exist a real colonization. In fact, many colonizers – who were named as pakeha – had to run away. In this way, instead of a colonization, they created a treaty, the Waitgangi Treaty, in wich the Mäori people and the British were benefited.

But we have to admit that to achieve this, there were many bloody battles, that in my opinion, almost every battle were won by the Mäori because they used some armament really prepared such as wood knives sharped with shark’s teeth, spears with stingray’s tail, and they used every kind of venom that they had in New Zeland.

Also, they had tattoos in their faces, and this tattoos meant a social and military hierarchy, so they intimidated the british.

But, until now I just have wrote about a wild Mäori, and after all de military preparation that they received, exist a really spiritual culture. The legend to the world origin that the oral tradition tell, talk that the parents of the world were Papa (Heaven) and Rangi (Earth) who were embraced to avoid the creation of the world. However, their divine children tried to broke this embrace, but they didn't get it, until Tane – forest God – accomplished separate them, decoring the sky with stars and creating the Sun and the Moon. Still, Tawhiri – Wind God – didn’t want to separate him parents so he created the hurricanes.They explain the rain as tears of the couple after their separation.

With this, I would like to make a reflection about how we always get focus in just one side of the things, that ussually tende to be the negative or bad side and we overvalue this side, taking off all kind of credits to the positive or good side.


  1. ~~Hi Javiera! I liked your entry ~~
    ~~I think we always look for the easiest. That's the reason why we, see the bad things first. At first look we only pay our atention in what we don't know or maybe in which are weird to us.
    If we think, all of us, at least once, have said something related to negative things that we see in someone or something.
    But, as we know, we can improve! We can do it better. There's no need to be a super open-mind person, if you don't want to. We just have to accept the way of life of other people and always see new things as a way to learn more.~~

  2. Love your entry! , I had no idea that the Mäori people was able to resist the colonization on such a courageous way, that proves that they were very brave.
    And I believe that you are right , we normally see just one side of the history , although we know that this is much more complex
