This song was created by
Macklemore, who is an american rapper that in this last time show us the way
that he see the world in their songs. When he create this song, most of the
people thought that he was gay, but he is not. He just is agreeing with homosexual
rights and marriage between people with the same sex.
“Same love” is about how the
feeling of homosexual people is, and how they will feel being discriminated for
something that they can’t change, even if they tried.
Most of the people think
that a homosexual man always will be someone who acts like a girl, or in the
case of woman who are homosexual will act like a men, but that is completely
wrong, and that is how we make a generalization about this people, a
Even worst some people
use the word “gay” as an insult. "We've become so numb to what we are saying"
In the video Macklemore
use different kind of images for make us understand the message of the video
like at the end, when the couple appears together till the end or when the couple finally get married even when the society don`t support them.
Some people will understand
this video for make conscience about the homosexuality in our current society,
they demand equal rights for everyone other will understand it like a completely
wrong message to society.
From my point of view I
think that doesn`t matter if you get in love of a girl or a man. If there is respect
and love in the relationship, it will be good. I’ve known homosexual couples
who are more respectful with each other than a couple that is heterosexual, and
that is when I think: some people think that be homosexual is wrong, but is it?
Or are the others wrong?
I would like to know what
do YOU feel about this..
I believe There is absolutely nothing wrong with the homosexuality ,that is your choice of life ,we are all free to do wherever we want ,as longer we do it with respect ,That’s why in a society that calls them self modern can’t discriminate against to another equal ,that is the basic principle to live in a harmonious civilization.